Contains:  Extremely wide field
Heavenly Spire, Steve_Peters

Heavenly Spire

Heavenly Spire, Steve_Peters

Heavenly Spire



Acquisition details



This is the abandoned but picturesque Locust Grove Church in rural Sherman County, Oregon. It was built in 1895 and was last used for a funeral in 1914, according to a sign on the property. Early on this morning from about 1:30 to 3 I set about shooting it with the Milky Way as a backdrop. I had to wait 5 hours from the time of sunset for the Milky Way to be positioned where I wanted it. Then I snapped off twelve 11-second non-tracked exposures in succession (30mm, f/2.8, ISO 10000 for those keeping score), combining them later in Sequator to increase the signal to noise ratio. During the exposures I held up a palm-sized light panel to dimly illuminate the structure.

The roof and spire definitely have "had some work done", as they're made of aluminum. So I don't believe they are original. But that spire sure looks good!



Heavenly Spire, Steve_Peters